Upcoming Events
Ethics and Political, Social and Legal Annual Conference
The Costs and Benefits of Prosecution: A Contractualist Justification of Amnesty
Robert Whelan
SUNY Binghamton
In Defense of Universal Standing to Blame
Eric Brown
Tulane University
Punishment and Imputation of Consequences in the Doctrine of Right: Inchoate Crimes and Strict Liability Crimes
Rebecca Arbolino
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Command Responsibility: Justice or Collective Punishment?
David Atenasio
Loyola University Chicago
Pragmatism and Tradition: MacIntyre and Bernstein on Hegel’s Moral Philosophy
Owen Alldritt
Emory University
The Impact of F. A. Lange’s History of Materialism on Socialist Interpretations of Kant’s Categorical Imperative
Elisabeth Widmer
University of Vienna
Balancing Preferences: On the (Im)Possibility of Developing a Concept of Universal Sympathy
Adam Cebula
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
A Comprehensive Account of Promising
Steven Norris
University of California, Irvine
Harm Reduction for Corporations
Vanessa Lam
University of Waterloo
In Defense of Content-Neutrality
Joseph Dunne
The University of Michigan-Dearborn
Evaluating Biomedical Enhancement: A Non-ideal Approach
Andrey Darovskikh
SUNY Binghamton
Mind and Brain Annual Conference
High-Level Experience and Low-Level Experience: No Dependence
Preston Werner
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Can Two People Hear Completely Different Sounds and, in fact, Confirm That They Heard the Same Exact Sound?
Justin Donhauser
Bowling Green State University
Why the Harder Problem Isn’t a Problem for the Science of Consciousness
Dylan Black
Xi’an Jiaotong University
On the Phenomenal Intentionality of Thought Thesis
Megan Parks
University of California, Davis
Memory Reconsolidation: Hope for a Terminal Analysis?
Kate Mehuron
Eastern Michigan University
Two Challenges for Empirical Moral Philosophy
Kevin Mills
Indiana University
Predictive Coding, Delusion, and Justification
Parker Crutchfield
Western Michigan University
Sorry: Ambient Tactical Deception Via Malware-Based Social Engineering
Adam Trowbridge, Jessica Westbrook, and Filipo Sharevski
DePaul University
On the Uses and Epistemic Role of Imagining
Madeleine Hyde
Stockholm University
Consciousness, Self Knowledge, and Neural Prosthetics
Nicholas Alonso
Georgia State University
Sport, Neuroplasticity, and Freedom
Jeffrey Fry
Ball State University
A Kantian Theory of the Sensory Processing Subtype of ASD
Susan Castro
Wichita State University
Molecular Psychiatry of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Responsibility, Culpability & Criminal Law
Janet Brewer
Governors State University
Unbundling Moral Judgment: A Defense of Rationality. A Challenge to Reasoning.
Nicole Oestreicher
American University
Beyond Empathy
Max Kramer
University of Arizona
Enactive Constitution, Neuroscience, and Philosophical Nonsense
Don Jones
University of Central Florida
Intuition and AI Decision-making
Carl Wauer
Eastern Michigan University
Michigan Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
"The Mind of Personal Identity: A Criticism of the Psychological Criterion"
Kathleen Berta
University of Michigan-Flint
"Neuroscience and Property Dualism"
Samantha Hortop
University of Michigan-Flint
"Self of Schizophrenia"
Cheyanne Pincsak
Illinois State University
"Against Transparent Concepts: Undermining Goff's Examples"
Barbara Cohn
University of Florida
"Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis: Limiting Personal and Societal Knowledge Through Genetic Discrimination"
Mason Majszak
Loyola University Chicago
"Defining Illness"
Patrick Ewell
University of Michigan-Flint
"Human Standards of Commodious Living"
Hamzaullah Khan
University of Michigan-Flint
"Prima Facie Consequentialism: Reconciling Deontology and Consequentialism into a Normative Ethical Theory"
Logan Cross
Michigan State University