Upcoming Events

Persons Conference
We invite abstracts on any topic concerning philosophical discussion of some aspect of personhood. Examples include what it is to be a person, either moral or metaphysical, whether we are essentially persons, what duties are owed to persons because of their personhood, why personhood is valuable, whether any non-humans or fetuses achieve personhood, and the value of the lives of human non-persons. Preference will be given to discussions in the analytic tradition. Keynote speaker: Marya Schechtman (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Canceled: Michigan Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
MUPC 2020 Canceled
In response to the increasing travel restrictions and university closings, CCN and the UM-Flint Philosophy Department have decided to cancel the 2020 Michigan Undergraduate Philosophy Conference. We encourage all the student scholars who submitted papers for the conference to submit them for inclusion in this year's open issue of Compos Mentis: The Undergraduate Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics, the deadline for which is March 31, 2020.
Michigan Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
The Death of a Gadfly: Civil Disobedience and the Trial of Socrates
Andrew Stevens
Illinois State University
Ethical and Historical Analysis of Holodomor
Klementyna Pozniak
Baldwin Wallace University
The Value of Withholding Forgiveness: An Intermediary Between Violence and Forgiveness
Sidney Van Meter
Ball State University
The Harm of Existence
Kyle Mykietiuk
University of Michigan-Flint
Error Theory and Intrinsic Value
Devin Brennan
Central Michigan University
A New Mathematical Empiricism
Jonah Branding
Central Michigan University
Joshua Greene: Neuroscience and Morality
Anna Lunt
Utah Valley University
Where Do the Intersex Fit in Sports?
Lisa Gawel
University of Michigan-Flint
The Pain-Suffering Dilemma
Natalie Hardy
Augustana College
Ethics and Political, Social and Legal Annual Conference
The Costs and Benefits of Prosecution: A Contractualist Justification of Amnesty
Robert Whelan
SUNY Binghamton
In Defense of Universal Standing to Blame
Eric Brown
Tulane University
Punishment and Imputation of Consequences in the Doctrine of Right: Inchoate Crimes and Strict Liability Crimes
Rebecca Arbolino
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Command Responsibility: Justice or Collective Punishment?
David Atenasio
Loyola University Chicago
Pragmatism and Tradition: MacIntyre and Bernstein on Hegel’s Moral Philosophy
Owen Alldritt
Emory University
The Impact of F. A. Lange’s History of Materialism on Socialist Interpretations of Kant’s Categorical Imperative
Elisabeth Widmer
University of Vienna
Balancing Preferences: On the (Im)Possibility of Developing a Concept of Universal Sympathy
Adam Cebula
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
A Comprehensive Account of Promising
Steven Norris
University of California, Irvine
Harm Reduction for Corporations
Vanessa Lam
University of Waterloo
In Defense of Content-Neutrality
Joseph Dunne
The University of Michigan-Dearborn
Evaluating Biomedical Enhancement: A Non-ideal Approach
Andrey Darovskikh
SUNY Binghamton
Mind and Brain Annual Conference
High-Level Experience and Low-Level Experience: No Dependence
Preston Werner
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Can Two People Hear Completely Different Sounds and, in fact, Confirm That They Heard the Same Exact Sound?
Justin Donhauser
Bowling Green State University
Why the Harder Problem Isn’t a Problem for the Science of Consciousness
Dylan Black
Xi’an Jiaotong University
On the Phenomenal Intentionality of Thought Thesis
Megan Parks
University of California, Davis
Memory Reconsolidation: Hope for a Terminal Analysis?
Kate Mehuron
Eastern Michigan University
Two Challenges for Empirical Moral Philosophy
Kevin Mills
Indiana University
Predictive Coding, Delusion, and Justification
Parker Crutchfield
Western Michigan University
Sorry: Ambient Tactical Deception Via Malware-Based Social Engineering
Adam Trowbridge, Jessica Westbrook, and Filipo Sharevski
DePaul University
On the Uses and Epistemic Role of Imagining
Madeleine Hyde
Stockholm University
Consciousness, Self Knowledge, and Neural Prosthetics
Nicholas Alonso
Georgia State University
Sport, Neuroplasticity, and Freedom
Jeffrey Fry
Ball State University
A Kantian Theory of the Sensory Processing Subtype of ASD
Susan Castro
Wichita State University
Molecular Psychiatry of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Responsibility, Culpability & Criminal Law
Janet Brewer
Governors State University
Unbundling Moral Judgment: A Defense of Rationality. A Challenge to Reasoning.
Nicole Oestreicher
American University
Beyond Empathy
Max Kramer
University of Arizona
Enactive Constitution, Neuroscience, and Philosophical Nonsense
Don Jones
University of Central Florida
Intuition and AI Decision-making
Carl Wauer
Eastern Michigan University
Michigan Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
"The Mind of Personal Identity: A Criticism of the Psychological Criterion"
Kathleen Berta
University of Michigan-Flint
"Neuroscience and Property Dualism"
Samantha Hortop
University of Michigan-Flint
"Self of Schizophrenia"
Cheyanne Pincsak
Illinois State University
"Against Transparent Concepts: Undermining Goff's Examples"
Barbara Cohn
University of Florida
"Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis: Limiting Personal and Societal Knowledge Through Genetic Discrimination"
Mason Majszak
Loyola University Chicago
"Defining Illness"
Patrick Ewell
University of Michigan-Flint
"Human Standards of Commodious Living"
Hamzaullah Khan
University of Michigan-Flint
"Prima Facie Consequentialism: Reconciling Deontology and Consequentialism into a Normative Ethical Theory"
Logan Cross
Michigan State University
Ethics and Political, Social and Legal Annual Conference
Products of Our Time: Bias, Ideology, Morality
James Edwards
University of Chicago
Implicit Racial Bias and the Intrinsicality Claim
Robert Kelly
University of Buffalo
Pants on Fire: Legal and Ethical Implications of Neuroscience-Based Lie Detection
Greg Yanke
Arizona State University
Us & Them—Reconstructing Aristotle's Third Judgment of Compassion with Neuroethics
Franlu Vulliermet
Linköping University
The Special Problem of Climate Refugees
Justin Donhauser
Rotman Institute of Philosophy
Unauthorized Immigrants, Reasonable Expectations, and the Right to Regularization
Thomas Carnes
US Military Academy at West Point
Authenticity in the Digital Age of Social Media
John Gray & Paul Zube
Ferris State University
The Effects of Complicity in Hateful Assertions
Bianca Waked
McMaster University
Practical Authority, Clear Mistakes, and Role Obligations
Joshua Crabill
University of Indianapolis
The Responsiveness of Moral Obligation to the Compliance of Others
Walter Stepanenko
University of Cinncinnati
A Flourishing-Based Theory of Reasons
William Hannegan
St. Louis University
Infinite Value Ascriptions
Anthony Williams
Oakland University
Knowing Justice: On Illegalization, Epistemic Injustice, and the Legal Person as Interlocutor
Joel Sati
UC Berkeley
Religious Conscientious Exemptions and Insulation From Evidence
Joseph Dunne
Wayne State University
Injustice Against Women: A Philosophical Critique of The Widowhood Practices Among the Igbos of Nigeria
Grace Umezurike
Ebonyi State University
Gendered Labour Divisions and the Right to Water
Kerry O’Neill
Carleton University
Republicanism and Just Counterinsurgency
Mark Rigstad
Oakland University
On the Alienability of the Right to be Free From Torture
Peter Rose-Barry
Saginaw valley State University
What Does "Immediately "Necessary" Mean" Reading the Model Penal Code as a Two-Pronged Limitation on Self-Defense
Bret Donnelly
Western Michigan University
Constitutional Crisis: Qualified Immunity, Government Misconduct, and the (New) Limits of Civil Liability
Jenji Learn
Western Michigan University
Preservation, Conservation, and the Malheur Rebellion
Derek Halm
Western Michigan University
The Ethics of Nonviolent Power
Mark Balawender
Delta College
Diagnosing Akrasia: Harmonizing Aristotle’s Diverging Accounts
Adam Waggoner
Western Michigan University
Having One Without the Other: An Account of Loosely Bound Virtue
Jared Mayer
Johns Hopkins University
Relationally-Informed Beliefs about Moral Responsibility (or Why Ruth Madoff Should Believe She Is Blameworthy for Her Husband’s Ponzi Scheme)
Amy J. Sepinwall
University of Pennsylvania
Virtue Ethics and the Situationist Challenge
Steven Guillemette
U of St. Thomas, Minnesota
Mind and Brain Annual Conference
"Intuitive Moral Judgments About Mood"
Jack Buchanan
University of Michigan Medical School
"Interoceptive Inference and Emotion in Music"
Shannon Proksch
The University of Edinburgh
"Mental Content"
John Park
Oakland University
"Grammar is not a Computer of the Human Mind/Brain"
Prakash Mondal
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
"Scaffolded Spontaneity of Skill"
Derek Jones
University of Evansville
"Exploring Skill"
Matthew Maler
San Francisco State University
"Machines and Minds"
Creighton Rosental
Mercer University
"Implicit Learning of a Spatial Layout"
Hong-jin Sun
McMaster University
"Targetless Higher Order States"
Sinem Elkatip Hatipoglu
Istanbul Sehir University
"Judgment Sense "of or for" an Act of Knowing"
Kiran Pala
The University of Basque Country, Donostia, Spain
"Anesthesia and Consciousness"
Rocco Gennaro
University of Southern Indiana
"On Nanotechnology"
Tyler Jaynes
Utah Valley University
"Disposition Concepts are Causal Concepts"
Brittney Currie
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"How to Defend Embodied Cognition"
Luis Favela
University of Central Florida
"Morally Justified Beliefs"
Amy Sepinwall
University of Pennsylvania
"Ecological, Abductive, Heuristic: Human Reasoning"
Luca Dondoni
IUSS – School of Advanced Studies
"Decision Theoretic Consequentialism"
Sahar Heydari Fard
University of Cincinnati
"Active Desire"
Uku Tooming
University of Tartu
"ADHD Across Cultures"
Nina Atanasova
The University of Toledo
"Impact of Retrieval-Based Learning"
M. Courtney Hughes
Relias Institute
"What Is Integration in Consciousness?"
Katsunori Miyahara
Harvard University and University of Tokyo
"Understanding the Consciousness of Different Minds"
Eric Kraemer and Bradley Seebach
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
"Extending Mind Through Sport"
Jeffrey Fry
Ball State University
"Global Workspace Theory"
Katie Rivers
Georgia State University
"Prediction Error Minimization and the Dark Room"
Andrew Evans
University of Cincinnati
"Phantom Sensations: What’s a Brain to Do?"
Daniel DeFranco
Tulane University
Michigan Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
"What the Church-Turing Thesis Does Not Say"
Vishal Chakraborty
University of California, Davis
"Our Metaphysical Nature: What We Are & Moral Implications"
Julia Lei
Western University
"In the Absence of a Future Like Ours"
Alexander Palka
Clemson University
"Designing Charles: The Moral Implication of Genetic Enhancement Without Risk"
Carl Montrosse
University of Michigan-Flint
"Private Language and Mental Causation"
Jonah Branding
Central Michigan University
"Depression: Symptoms May Include Akrasia?"
Michael Fiorca
SUNY Buffalo
"Plastic Surgery and the Ideal Body Image"
Molly Ockert
University of Michigan-Flint
"Identity and Its Moral Precepts"
Matthew Hagan
Clemson University
"Mind as Action in Zen Buddhist Thought"
Russell Guilbault
SUNY Buffalo
"Does Scientific Realism Think for Us?"
Leah Hasden
DePaul University
Clean Water
David Groenfeldt
Water-Culture Institute
We are delighted to announce that David Groenfeldt, Founder and Director of the Water-Culture Institute and author of Water Ethics: A Values Approach to Solving the Water Crisis, will be our keynote speaker.
An anthropologist, David received his PhD in 1984 from the University of Arizona, based on field research on irrigation development in India. Most of his career has focused on international water issues, including five years with the International Water Management Institute in Sri Lanka and 13 years in Washington, DC working with consulting firms, and the World Bank, on water and natural resources policies in developing countries. Since 2002, David has focused on environmental and cultural aspects of water policies. He helped establish the Indigenous Water Initiative to coordinate inputs from Indigenous Peoples in the World Water Fora in Kyoto (2003) and Mexico City (2006). He was director of the Santa Fe Watershed Association, in Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA) from 2006 to 2009. He established the Water-Culture Institute in 2009 to promote the integration of Indigenous and traditional cultural values into water policies and practices. David is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
Ethics and the Brain
Dignity, Reason and the Dementing Brain
Frances Bottenberg
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Neuroscience Should Change How We View and Treat Patients with Consciousness Disorders
Matthew Braddock
University of Tennessee at Martin
Two Kinds of Brain Injury in Sport
Jeffrey Fry
Ball State University
A Neuroethics of Emergence through BCIs (Brain Computer Interfaces) and Cloudminds
Melanie Swan
New School for Social Research
The Necessity of Moral Reasoning
Leland Saunders
Seattle Pacific University
Naturalized Virtue Ethics and the Neuroscience of Self-Control
Matthew Childers
University of Iowa
Smith’s Internalism Meets Dual-Process Models of Moral Judgment
Brendan Cline
University at Buffalo, SUNY
The Ethics of Memory Manipulation
Eastern Michigan University
Christine Mehuron
Enhanced Performance: What's the Point?
Jay Spitzley
Florida State University
The Influence of Feeling Rules In Mental Healthcare
Rachel Amoroso
Florida State University
Understanding without caring: the role of affect in empathy
Heather Adair
University of Maryland
Michigan Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
Fantasy, Reality, and the Self
Albwin Wagner-Schmitzer
University of Cincinnati
Logical Fatalism: Origins as Essential Properties of Events
Ryan Powers
Ohio University
Predictive Encoding of Acupuncture
Juensung Kim
University of Toronto
Responsibility: Revis(ion)ing Brains via Cognitive Enhancement
Shweta Sahu
Emory University
The Revised Enactive Account: Interpersonal Understanding and Perceptual Achievement
Keagan Potts
Loyola University Chicago
Prediction and Mental Paint
Jesse Berlin
University of Toronto
Manufactured Goodness
Sean Huff
Georgia State University
Unconscious Actions and Moral Responsibility
Laura Teal
Hope College
Cultural Conceptions of Agency and Authenticity in Deep Brain Stimulation as a Function of the Having-being Dichotomy in Religious Narratives
Cristina Leone
University of Toronto
Neuroplasticity, Nagel and N,N-DMT
Christopher Schultz
University of Akron
Conceptualizing Pain and Suffering through Theories of Emotion
Lokita Rajan
Emory University
Patients' Responsibilities in Medical Ethics
Zhu Fengquing
Harbin Institute of Technology
Against a priori Arguments for Dualism
Eric Hiddleston
Wayne State University
How to Know That You Are Not a Zombie
Brentyn Ramm
The Australian National University
Less than Conscious: The Dehumanizing Impact of Interdependent Definitions of Self and Consciousness
Michelle Marvin
University of Notre Dame
Dualistic Idealism: No Supervenience of Consciousness on the Physical, but No Influence of Consciousness on the Physical Either
Christian D. Schade
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Garden-path Processing and Consciousness
David Pereplyotchik
Kent State University
Consciousness, Neuroimaging and Personhood: Current and Future Neuroethical Challenges
James Beauregard and Macksood Aftab
River University and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Consciousness Noise
Bradley Seebach and Eric Kraemer
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Parts of Consciousness
Cameron Bosinski
University at Buffalo
The Re-enchantment of Consciousness: A Qualitative Inquiry into Scientific or Mechanistic Aspect of Consciousness
Rajakishore Nath
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Physicalism and the Privacy of Conscious Experiences
Miklos Marton and Janos Tozser
ELTE University Budapest, University of Kaposvar
The Insignificance of Empty Higher-Order States
Daniel Shargel
Lawrence Technological University
The Epoche and the The Intentional Stance
David Haack
The New School for Social Research
The Interiority of Experience: A Reflection on Searle’s Theorization of Intentionality
Ranjan Kumar Panda
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Consciousness and Cognitive Individuation
Philip Woodward
Valparaiso University
Future of Conscious Therapeutics in Alzheimer’s Disease
Farhan Ahmad
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Julian Jaynes’ Search for Consciousness in his Unpublished History of Comparative Psychology
Scott Greer
University of Prince Edward Island
Consciousness, Situationism and Responsibility: Can We Be Morally Responsible If We Are Unconscious of Situational Factors that Cause Our Actions?
Marcela Herdova
Florida State University
From Pre-reflective Consciousness to Explicit Thematic Awareness: Feminist Standpoint Epistemologies, Existential-Phenomenology, and Becoming Aware of Systems of Oppression
Zachary Purdue
University of South Florida
Mirror Neurons, Empathy and Autism
Ruth Sample
University of New Hampshire
Nate Stout
Tulane University
Laura Harrison
Caltech University
Jeffrey Hinzmann
Florida State University
Roma Hernandez
Rice University
Robyn Gaier
Viterbo University
Ylva Gustafsson
Åbo Akademi University
Kelly Levinstein
University of Michigan-Flint
Neurotherapeutics and Psychosurgery
How to Avoid Hyping up "Cognitive Enhancement"
Alexandre Erler
University of Montreal
Reply by Kate Mehuron, Eastern Michigan University
What is Enhancement? Some Context and Concerns
Catherine Gee
University of Waterloo
Reply by Don Jones, University of Central Florida
Moral Obligation and Possessing Reasons in Genetic Enhancement
Sruthi Rothenfluch
University of Portland
Does the Human Right to Health Entail a Right to Biomedical Enhancement?
Martin Gunderson
Macalester College
Enactive Perception and the Ethics of Human Enhancement
Don Jones
University of Central Florida
Luck Egalitarianism and Enhancements
Rhonda Martens
University of Manitoba
Reply by Simon Cushing, University of Michigan-Flint
The Complexity of Suicide: Review of Recent Neuroscientific Evidence
Erica Ching
University of Toronto
Reversibility and Deep Brain Stimulation
Jennifer Mundale
University of Central Florida
Our Many Minds
James Blackmon
San Francisco State University
The Work of Cognition and Neuroethics in Science Fiction
Unrecognizably Human: Empathic Perception and Augmented Others in Recent Science Fiction Film
Shannon Foskett
University of Chicago
Being, Technologically Human
Meghan Roehll
University at Buffalo, SUNY
Black Mirror's "The Entire History of You:" Memory As A Recording Device
Mark Huston
Schoolcraft College
Electric Existentialism: The Sisyphean Subject in Greg Egan's Permutation City
Brandon Fenton
York University
Science Fiction Embedded in Neuroethics: Mindlessness and Nihilism
Howard Ducharme
University of Akron
The Quality of Life: The Implications of Augmented Personhood and Machine Intelligence in Science Fiction
Damien Williams
Independent Scholar
The Informational Substance of Human Reality: Cognitive Growth, Healing, Communication, Radical Transformation
Susan Castro
Wichita State University
Experiencing Universal Interconnection through Science Fiction Minds
Peter Buzby
Penn State University
Dual-Process, Two-Minds, and Science Fiction
Joshua Mugg
York University
Blockchain Thinkers and Smart Contracts to Take over the World?
Melanie Swan
Kingston University London
Mary Shelley’s Uncanny Consciousness: Frankenstein as a Thought Experiment for the 21st Century
James Tierney
Oakland University
Biology in/as Rhetoric in Octavia E. Butler's Science Fiction: A New Paradigm for Epistemology
Meghan K. Riley
University of Waterloo
Evolution and Neuroethics in the Hyperion Cantos
Brendan Shea
Rochester Community and Technical College
Identity, Ethics, and Complex Decision Making in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Ellen Moll
Michigan State University
Moral Enhancements: What Does Science Fiction Teach Us about Moral Improvements?
Jason Howard, David Bauer, and Jeffery Nyseth
Viterbo University
Apes with a Moral Code? Exploring the Boundaries of Moral Responsibility in The Planet of the Apes
Paul Carron
Baylor University
Michigan Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
Identity and Causality: Foucault’s Subject and Kant’s Third Antinomy
Rebecca Valeriano-Flores
DePaul University
Reply: Cody Hatfield-Myers
Dissolving the "Other Person" Problem
Charles Dalrymple-Fraser
University of Toronto
Reply: Thomas Mann, UM-Flint
Incommensurability and Partial Reference
Daniel Flavin
Hope College
Reply: Andy Slabchuck
What a Cow is for
Kinley Gillette
University of Pittsburgh
Reply: Ben Van Slyke
Seemingly Alive: Full-brain Death is Death
Andrew Rydlund
University of St. Thomas in St. Paul
Reply: Johnathon Bold
Embedded Cognition: An Argument for a Synthetic Approach to Consciousness
Matthew Williams
Univeristy of Hawaii at Manoa
Reply: Charles Dalrymple-Fraser
The Philanthropy Machine
Abigail Dehart
Grand Valley State University
Reply: Stephen Osika
Free Will
Neuroscience, Free Will and the Field of the Personal
James Beauregard
Rivier University
Conceptual Integrity And Neuroscientific Reduction: Consciousness, Personal Identity, and Free Will
Christian Carrozzo
Center for Ethics
MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Neuroscience Doesn’t Reveal That There Are No Free Choices (But It Might Tell Us What Free Choice Is)
Oisín Deery
The University of Arizona
Freedom and Imagination
David Bishop
Independent Scholar
The Limits of a Pragmatic Justification for Praise and Blame
Ryan Lake
Clemson University
Experimental Philosophy and the Experience of Agency
Erich Riesen
Northern Illinois University
Free Will and Physical Law
Robert Oszust
Rowan University
From the Free Will Theorems to the Choice Ontology of Quantum Mechanics
Vasil Penchev
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences:
Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge
Collecting Evidence for the Permanent Coexistence of Parallel Realities: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Christian D. Schade
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
You Don't Seem Like Your Self Lately: Responding to Clinical Depressions's Challenge to Hierarchical Identification Theories of Autonomous Agency
Amanda Gorman
University of Southern California
Our Duties to the Un-Free
Samuel Kahn
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Finding the Political Balance to Facilitate Free Will
Paul Vasholz
Independent Scholar
Rolling Back the Luck Problem for Libertarianism
Zac Cogley
Northern Michigan University
Hardheartedness and Libertarianism
John Lemos
Coe College
Agent-Causation Libertarianism and Control
Paul Shephard
Northern Illinois University
Experimental Philosophy, Robert Kane, and the Concept of Free Will
Neil Otte
Evolution Beyond Determinism? On Dennett's Compatibilism and the Too Timeless Free Will Debate
Maria Brincker
University of Massachusetts Boston
The Curse of the Enlightenment: How Dominant But Empirically Incorrect Model of Human Mind Influence Institutions
Maciej Gurtowski
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Free Will and Determinism: The African Perspective and Experience
Augustine Igbokwe
Caritas University
Free Will or Determination: How To Care for Your Heart Failure Patient
Jaclyn Conelius
Fairfield University
Free Will and Autonomous Medical Decision-Making
Matthew Butkus
McNeese State University
Free Will and Legal Responsibility
Alina Ng-Boyte
Mississippi College School of Law
Moral Sentiments Drive Folk Beliefs That the Mind and Body Are Distinct
Jared Friedman (co-authored with Tony Jack, Jamie Luguri, Joshua Knobe)
Case Western Reserve University
Moral Sentiments Drive Folk Beliefs That the Mind and Body Are Distinct
Anthony Jack (co-authored with Jared Friedman, Jamie Luguri, Joshua Knobe)
Case Western Reserve University
Identity and Freedom
Adam Taylor (co-author David Hershenov)
North Dakota State University
Reconciling the Degree-Based Binary Freedoms of Reid and Kant
Jennifer Asselin
Ohio State University
What is Free Will and How Do Humans Acquire It?
Ulrich Steinvorth
University of Hamburg
William Shakespeare and Free Will: A Libertarian and Naturalistic Enquiry into the Actions of Macbeth and Othello
Maryisabella Ezeh
University of Nigeria
Autonomous Art: Freedom as Contradiction
Gerald Phillips
Towson University
Exploring the Status of Free Will in Anorexia Nervosa
Catherine Gee
University of Waterloo
Addiction and Self-Control: Are Addicts Free?
Marcela Herdova
Florida State University
How Pre-Theoretically Applicable Considerations Bear on the Necessary Internality of Caring
Aaron Veek
University of Southern California
Free Will and Consciousness: Sir Aurobindo's Philosophy of the Future
Madhumita Dutta
Vidyasagar College for Women
Man: Object, Subject or Individual?
Shai Frogel
Kibbutzim College of Education
& Tel Aviv University
Free Action: Neither Uncaused Nor Agent Caused
Justin Capes
East Tennessee State University
Agent-Causation, Psychology and Deception
Jacob Quick
Northern Illinois University
Vihvelin's 'Commonsense Compatibilism' and the Ability to Do Otherwise
George Stamets
Florida State
Agency Through Autonomy: Self-Producing Systems and the Prospect of Bio-Compatibilism
Derek Jones
University of Evansville
The Capacity for Choice as Cluster of Capabilities: Understanding Freedom as a Multifaceted, Developing Continuum
Bill Pamerleau
University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
How Not to Think About Free Will
Kadri Vihvelin
University of Southern California
Free Will Eliminitivism: Reference, Error, and Phenomenology
Gregg Caruso
Corning Community College, SUNY
Agential Settling Requires Intentionality
Yishai Cohen
Syracuse University
If Free Will is Compatible with Determinism, then Free Will is Compatible with Indeterminism
Timothy Houk
University of California, Davis
Responsibility and Foundationalism
Stephen Kershnar
Moral Responsibility for Self-Control: Failure and the Limitations of Will Power
Sam Sims
Florida State University
The Effective Power of the Illusion of Conscious Will
Bradford Stockdale
Florida State University
The Embarrassment of Punching Puppets: An Argument from Conversation for Freedom
Micah Tillman
McDaniel College &
University of Maryland, College Park
Moral Responsibility and the Robust First-person Perspective
David Wong
San Francisco State University
The Unknowability of Determinism, and What Follows from It
Wolfhart Totschnig
Universidad Diego Portales
Hegel's Concept of the Free Will: Towards a Redefinition of an Old Question
Fernando Huesca Ramón
UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Free Will: Groundless Self-Determination of Moral Choice
John Walsh
University of South Florida
Justice Without Freedom
Sacha Greer
University of South Florida
Neuroscience, Free Will and Vetoing: How not to Conceive of the Self in Self-Generated Action
Lieke Asma
VU University Amsterdam
Between Humanity and Intelligence: Abolitionism and Personal Relationships
Per-Erik Milam
Oakland University
Free Will and Conscious Awareness
Janet Levin
University of Southern California
Free Will, Islamic Theology and Contemporary Challenges
Macksood Aftab
Harvard Extension / IINN
Lessons From Angelology
Edina Eszenyi
University of Kent School of History
Rome Art Program
Generalization Arguments Without Manipulators
Gunnar Björnsson
Umeå University, University of Gothenburg
Why Pereboom's Four-Case Manipulation Argument is Manipulative
Jay Spitzley
Georgia State University
Sensitive Intuitions: Print Fonts, Ability to Choose Otherwise, and Free Will
Chad Gonnerman
University of Southern Indiana
(co-authored with Shane Reuter and Jonathan Weinberg)
Sensitive Intuitions: Print Fonts, Ability to Choose Otherwise, and Free Will
Shane Reuter
Washington University in St. Louis
(co-authored with Chad Gonnerman and Jonathan Weinberg)
Building a Circle of Care for Youth Concussion in School Settings
Provide athletic trainers, coaches, athletic directors and other school personnel with the best practices for concussion assessment and management. The workshop will emphasize practical aspects of concussion assessment and management in school settings.
The awareness of concussion as a major public health concern for youth athletes has substantially increased in the last five years. Despite the staggering numbers of concussion in adolescents, the resources devoted to implement best practices in concussion management have been focused on collegiate and professional athletes. Coaches, athletic trainers and athletic directors often faced with challenging situations with concussion diagnoses, return to play and school accommodations after concussion. Moreover, school personnel are often under tremendous pressure from students, parents and other parties to allow the youth athlete to return to play. The recent youth concussion law passed in the State of Michigan has also introduced legal consequences to the concussion management in schools.
Michigan Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
Should Parental Rights be the Final Judgment for Their Child’s Medical Needs?
Jordan Tiffany
University of Michigan-Flint
Conversation Analysis and The Bridge Between Minds
Rhea Morrison
DePaul University
Our Conception of God and How It Pertains To Linguistic Materialism
Daniel Löwenthal
Florida International University
Reason, Society, and the Social Intuitionist Model
Joelle Hershberger
Bethel University
Are Virtue Ethics and Situationism Really Incompatible?
Samuel Kratzer
Bethel University
Revisiting the Problem of Other Minds
Maxim Perel
The Ohio State University
Chess and Regress
Andy Slabchuck
University of Michigan-Flint
Defending Downward Causation Only to Bring it Back Down
Michael Pratt
Grand Valley State University
Rethinking the Goal of Imprisonment
Tracy Graves
Ball State University
Ethics of Emotional Dampening Using Propranolol as a Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Field of Emergency Medicine
Rachel Fischell
Duke University
The Ethical Implications of Neurotheology Research
Trevor Thomas
Duke University
Reason, Reasons and Reasoning
The Self-Awareness of Reason in Plato
Daniel Bloom
University of Georgia
Reason and Representation: Notes on Contemporary Philosophy of Mind
Joshua Stein
New York University
Reason and Understanding in Clinical and Educational Settings: The Effects of Professional Cultures and Information Constraints
Barry Saferstein
California State University San Marcos
A Reason to Believe
Valerie Copping
The International Trauma Treatment Academy
Is Reason Contradictory When Applied to Metaphysical Questions?
Graham Schuster
University of Georgia
The Enigma Of Probability
Nick Ergodos
The Problem With Gettier
Dennis Rohatyn
University of San Diego
Brain Rays, Lying and Fancy Suits: The Ethics of Mind-Control
Brent Kious
University of Utah
Reasoning and the Military Decision Making Process
Ibanga B. Ikpe
University of Botswana
A Simple, Intuitive Argument for Obeying the Categorical Imperative
Marcus Arvan
University of Tampa
On Moral Judgment: Horgan and Timmons' Modified Moral Rationalism vs. Haidt's Social Intuitionism
Asia Ferrin
University of Washington
Acting Rationally and Rationally Acting
Arnon Cahen
Haifa University
The Role of Emotional Intuitions in Moral Judgments and Decisions
Catherine Gee
University of Waterloo
Philosophy and Neurobiology: towards a Hegelian contribution on the question of the juridical status of the Human embryo
Fernando Huesca Ramón
Moral Heuristics and Biases
Mark Herman
Bowling Green State University
Inexplicit Reasoning Processes and Positive Epistemic Status
Andrew Koehl
Roberts Wesleyan College
Asking For Reasons as a Weapon: Epistemic Justification and the Loss of Knowledge
Ian Werkheiser
Michigan State University
Michigan Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
Wittgenstein's Language-Game and the Future of Philosophical Discourse
James O'Dea
University of Michigan-Flint
Dying With Dignity
Tyler Rauh
University of Michigan-Flint
Philosophy of the Mind; Epiphenomenalism and Psychosomatic Illnesses
Elizabeth Arnold
University of Michigan-Flint
The Desirability of Free Will: The Value of the Concept Regardless of Its Existence
Shouta Brown
Western Kentucky University
Explaining Qualia
Kiefer Owens
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Nagel, Panpsychism, and the Ontological Emergence of Consciousness
Henry Cornillie
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Background Information: A Defense of Folk Psychology and Common Sense
Phillip Kautz
University of Michigan-Flint
Chomsky's Argument for an Innate Language Faculty
Ben Rossi
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor