Journal of Ethical Urban Living
The JEUL Publication Archive
The JEUL no longer accepts submissions. It is now an archived publication.
The Journal of Ethical Urban Living was a peer-reviewed, open access journal published online (ISSN: 2470-2641). JEUL was committed to presenting wide-ranging discussions. We publish works that explore ideas, concepts, theories and their implications across multiple disciplines and professions, including philosophy, psychology, linguistics, education, social work, law, the neuro-, bio-, medical and pharmaceutical sciences. We are interested in works that offer critical analyses of relevant issues as well as those that explore the political, social, moral and legal implications of recent work in these fields.
Volume 3, Issue 1
Special Education During Covid-19: Stretched Thin and Left Behind
Jami L. Anderson
University of Michigan-Flint
University of Michigan-Flint
Keywords: Special Education Rights, Covid-19, FAPE Standards, IEP Standards, Distance Learning
Citation: Anderson, Jami L. 2021. "Special Education During Covid-19: Stretched Thin and Left Behind." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 3 (1): 1–29.
The Concept of ‘Bildung’ and Contemporary Education
Velimir Stojkovski
University of Michigan-Dearborn
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Keywords: Philosophy of Education, Bildung, German Idealism, Hermeneutics, German Romanticism, Social Justice
Citation: Stojkovski, Velimir. 2021. "The Concept of ‘Bildung’ and Contemporary Education." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 3 (1): 31–43.
Volume 2, Issue 1
Nursing Home Abolition: Prisons and the Institutionalization of Older Adult Care
Eva Boodman
William Paterson University
William Paterson University
Keywords: Prisons, Nursing Homes, Abolition, Domestic Work, Race, Citizenship
Citation: Boodman, Eva. 2019. "Nursing Home Abolition: Prisons and the Institutionalization of Older Adult Care." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 2 (1): 1–21.
Evaluating Biomedical Enhancement: A Non-ideal Approach
Andrey Darovskikh
Binghamton University
Binghamton University
Keywords: Bioethics, Biomedical Enhancement, Ideal, Non-ideal, Forward-looking, Johann Roduit
Citation: Darovskikh, Andrey. 2019. "Evaluating Biomedical Enhancement: A Non-ideal Approach." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 2 (1): 23–33.
Content Neutrality: A Defense
Joseph M. Dunne
The University of Michigan–Dearborn
The University of Michigan–Dearborn
Keywords: Conscientious Objection(s), Legal Exemption(s), Content Neutral Balancing Test(s), Religious Freedom Restoration Act(s), Conscience
Citation: Dunne, Joseph M. 2019. "Content Neutrality: A Defense." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 2 (1): 35–50.
The Ethics of Knowing the Score: Recommendations for Improving Boxing’s 10-Point Must System
John Scott Gray
Ferris State University
Ferris State University
Brian R. Russ
Indiana University - Purdue University of Columbus
Indiana University - Purdue University of Columbus
Keywords: Boxing, Ethics, Open Scoring, Cognitive Bias
Citation: Gray, John Scott, and Brian R. Russ. 2019. "The Ethics of Knowing the Score: Recommendations for Improving Boxing’s 10-Point Must System." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 2 (1): 51–62.
Difficult Circumstances: Situationism and Ability
Marcela Herdova
Florida State University
Florida State University
Stephen Kearns
Florida State University
Florida State University
Keywords: Situationism, Circumstances, Abilities, Moral Responsibility
Citation: Herdova, Marcela, and Stephen Kearns. 2019. "Difficult Circumstances: Situationism and Ability." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 2 (1): 63–91.
Nationalism & Social Stability
Stephen McAndrew
University at Buffalo
University at Buffalo
Keywords: Nationalism, Social Solidarity, National Culture, Liberal Democracy, Immigration
Citation: McAndrew, Stephen. 2019. "Nationalism & Social Stability." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 2 (1): 93–110.
Are There Benefits to Benefits?
Holly Stevenson
The University of Iowa
The University of Iowa
Keywords: Metaethics, Ethics, Political Philosophy, Benefits
Citation: Stevenson, Holly. 2019. "Are There Benefits to Benefits?." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 2 (1): 111–123.
Volume 1, Issue 2
How New Climate Science and Policy Can Help Climate Refugees
Justin Donhauser
Western University
Western University
Keywords: Climate Refugees, Climate Adaptation, Refugee Justice, Weather Event Attribution
Citation: Donhauser, Justin. 2018. "How New Climate Science and Policy Can Help Climate Refugees." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 1 (2): 1–21.
Religious Conscientious Objections and Insulation from Evidence
Joseph Dunne
The University of Michigan–Dearborn
The University of Michigan–Dearborn
Keywords: Religion, Religious Belief(s), Conscience, Conscientious Objection(s), Legal Exemption(s), Evidence
Citation: Dunne, Joseph. 2018. "Religious Conscientious Objections and Insulation from Evidence." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 1 (2): 23–40.
Authenticity in the Digital Age of Social Media
John Scott Gray
Ferris State University
Ferris State University
Paul Zube
Ferris State University
Ferris State University
Keywords: Ethics, Social Media, Ghost Writing, Branding, Authenticity
Citation: Gray, John Scott, and Paul Zube. 2018. "Authenticity in the Digital Age of Social Media." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 1 (2): 41–49.
Having One Without the Other: An Account of Loosely Bound Virtue
Jared Mayer
Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University
Keywords: Virtue Ethics, Practical Reasoning, Aristotle, Wittgenstein
Citation: Mayer, Jared. 2018. "Having One Without the Other: An Account of Loosely Bound Virtue." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 1 (2): 51–65.
Gendered Labour Divisions and a Reconception of the Right to Water
Kerry Ellen O’Neill
Carleton University
Carleton University
Keywords: Safe Water, Human Rights, Women, Labour
Citation: O’Neill, Kerry Ellen. 2018. "Gendered Labour Divisions and a Reconception of the Right to Water." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 1 (2): 67–88.
The (Non-Consequentialist) Ethics of Defensive Torture
Peter Brian Rose-Barry
Saginaw Valley State University
Saginaw Valley State University
Keywords: Torture, Self-Defense, Deontology, Kantian Ethics, Human Rights
Citation: Rose-Barry, Peter Brian. 2018. "The (Non-Consequentialist) Ethics of Defensive Torture." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 1 (2): 89–110.
Volume 1, Issue 1
The Name Game: Testimonial Injustice against People Incarcerated at Stateville Prison
Joseph Dole
Keywords: Testimonial Injustice, Miranda Fricker, Epistemic Harm, Bias, Prisons, Incarceration
Citation: Dole, Joseph. 2017. "The Name Game: Testimonial Injustice against People Incarcerated at Stateville Prison." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 1 (1): 1–18.
The Effect of Consumer Expectations and Perceptions Regarding Sanitation on Access to Clean Water
Louiza Duncker
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Keywords: Clean Water, Sanitation, User Perceptions, Appropriate Technology, Participative Decision Making
Citation: Duncker, Louiza. 2017. "The Effect of Consumer Expectations and Perceptions Regarding Sanitation on Access to Clean Water." Journal of Ethical Urban Living 1 (1): 19–36.