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Mind and Brain Annual Conference

High-Level Experience and Low-Level Experience: No Dependence 
Preston Werner 
Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

Can Two People Hear Completely Different Sounds and, in fact, Confirm That They Heard the Same Exact Sound? 
Justin Donhauser 
Bowling Green State University 

Why the Harder Problem Isn’t a Problem for the Science of Consciousness 
Dylan Black 
Xi’an Jiaotong University 

On the Phenomenal Intentionality of Thought Thesis 
Megan Parks 
University of California, Davis 

Memory Reconsolidation: Hope for a Terminal Analysis? 
Kate Mehuron 
Eastern Michigan University 

Two Challenges for Empirical Moral Philosophy 
Kevin Mills 
Indiana University 

Predictive Coding, Delusion, and Justification 
Parker Crutchfield 
Western Michigan University 

Sorry: Ambient Tactical Deception Via Malware-Based Social Engineering 
Adam Trowbridge, Jessica Westbrook, and Filipo Sharevski 
DePaul University 

On the Uses and Epistemic Role of Imagining 
Madeleine Hyde 
Stockholm University 

Consciousness, Self Knowledge, and Neural Prosthetics 
Nicholas Alonso 
Georgia State University 

Sport, Neuroplasticity, and Freedom 
Jeffrey Fry 
Ball State University 

A Kantian Theory of the Sensory Processing Subtype of ASD 
Susan Castro 
Wichita State University 

Molecular Psychiatry of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Responsibility, Culpability & Criminal Law 
Janet Brewer 
Governors State University 

Unbundling Moral Judgment: A Defense of Rationality. A Challenge to Reasoning. 
Nicole Oestreicher 
American University 

Beyond Empathy 
Max Kramer 
University of Arizona 

Enactive Constitution, Neuroscience, and Philosophical Nonsense 
Don Jones 
University of Central Florida 

Intuition and AI Decision-making 
Carl Wauer 
Eastern Michigan University

July 28

Phables: The Reveal

November 8

Ethics and Political, Social and Legal Annual Conference