CCN Publications Style Guide
Articles submitted to both the Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics and compos mentis should use the Chicago Manual of Style author-date system. In this system, in-text citations are parenthetical (not footnoted as it would be in notes-bibliography) and include the author's last name and the year of publication, and, if needed, the page or page-range: e.g., (Williams 1995), (Smith 1992, 45–47), (Williams 1995, 80; Smith 1992). Citations are assembled on a references page (the references page takes the author-date style, not Chicago notes-bibliography, and not MLA works cited).
Document Settings
File Type
MS Word .docx
Page Size
Width: 8.5 inches
Height: 11 inches
1 inch margins
Page Numbers
Footer, Right
Line Spacing
Times New Roman
Font Size
12 Pt.
Punctuation Spacing
Sentence terminations should be followed by one space, if prior to the start of a new sentence. Sentences terminating a paragraph need not have a space after the termination.
Set your paragraphs to indent the first line by 0.5 inches. Then, set paragraph spacing so that there is no spacing before or after paragraphs.
Block Quotes
Quotes longer than 3 lines should be indented 1 inch both right and left. No quote marks are used to offset block quotes. Whereas in-text citations follow terminal quote marks yet precede terminal sentence punctuation, with block quotes, the author-date parenthetical citation follows the terminal punctuation (by one space).
Please use footnotes, not endnotes. As citations are in-text, footnotes should not be used for citations, unless you are citing a reference within the footnote. Footnoted references should be included on the references page.
There is no minimum or maximum length for a submission, but we have a preference for articles that are no longer than 20,000 words, including footnotes and bibliography. Our articles tend to range between 6,000 – 9,000 words.
Graphs, charts, and other images may be included in the text of the initial submission. However, authors of accepted submissions will be required to send graphs and charts as separate files with the final version of their manuscript. Our journal articles are produced at 300 dpi with a content maximum width of 5 inches and maximum height of 8 inches. If it is your intent to include an image, then the image must be sent as a .png or .jpg file at 300 dpi, with a maximum width of 5 inches and a maximum height of 8 inches. If it is your intent to include shapes or charts, then they must be created in Adobe Illustrator and sent as .ai or .eps files or must be created as vector files in Adobe Photoshop with a canvas of 5 inches wide and sent as the .psd work file. Please email Zea Miller (miller@cognethic.org) if you have any questions.