Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics
The Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published online (ISSN 2166-5087), aimed at the promotion of scholarship across disciplines, as well as expanding the reach and understanding of the neurosciences and implications in the legal, social and ethical realms. It is our policy to never charge readers to access the journal or authors to publish scholarship in it.
Open Issue Call for Papers
The Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics publishes papers that critically analyze theories and their implications, current research programs and polices relevant to the neurosciences. We encourage scholarship from a broad range of professions, including philosophy, psychology, linguistics, education, social work, law, the neuro-, bio-, medical and pharmaceutical sciences. We are interested in works that offer critical analyses of relevant issues as well as those that explore the political, social, moral and legal implications of recent work in these fields.
We welcome submissions on all topics relevant to cognition and neuroethics. Articles should not exceed 20,000 words including footnotes and bibliography.
Book Reviews
We encourage book review submissions on (relatively) recently published books that address cognition and neuroethics topics, broadly understood.
Dialogues provide a forum for the discussion of issues in cognition and neuroethics. We welcome authors working together and creating productive conversations to share those discussions here. Submissions for this section should be 4000 words or less.
Analysis offers and opportunity for short analyses (5000 words or less) of healthcare practices and/or policies, court decisions, and other current issues impacting medical sciences and professions.
Open Issue Submissions Suspended for Special Issue Production
For 2023–2024, the Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics will be focused on special issues related to targeted topics. We are currently unable to accept open issue articles.
Special Issue Considerations
The Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics invites submissions that are not currently under consideration or published elsewhere, either in print or in electronic format. The JCN, at this time, can only accept completed work; the editors cannot offer feedback on work in progress. We neither encourage nor discourage potential authors to cite previously published works from the JCN in their submissions. We are especially interested in examining productive questions and controversies concerning cognition and neuroethics issues widely understood. The JCN is an anonymous peer-reviewed journal. In order for a manuscript to be considered for publication, the JCN requires the following:
For upcoming special issues, a JCN editor will provide instructions directly.
Please submit a MS Word file with no identifying information of authorship within it.
Abstract and Keywords
Please prepare an abstract of approximately 200 words, a list of at least 4 keywords.
Cover Letter
Please prepare a cover letter containing contact information, including a mailing and an e-mail address, and a brief biography.
Style Guide
Please note that all accepted submissions must comply with the CCN Style Guide.
Volume 9, Issue 2
Holism, Narrative, and Paradox: New Criteria for Settling Disputes in Personal Identity
The State University of New York at Buffalo
Keywords: Personal Identity, Criteria, Material Holism, Narrative Unity, Narrative Integrity, Animalism, Embodied Mind Account, Dicephalic Twins
Citation: Cheung, Jaron J. 2023. "Holism, Narrative, and Paradox: New Criteria for Settling Disputes in Personal Identity." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (2): 1–20.
Is Anyone on First? Sport, Agency, and the Divided Self
Ball State University
Keywords: Self, Sport, Coach, Athlete, Modularity, Split-Brain, Dissociative-Identity-Disorder, Plurals
Citation: Fry, Jeffrey P. 2023. "Is Anyone on First? Sport, Agency, and the Divided Self." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (2): 21–34.
Persons, Person Stages, Adaptive Preferences, and Historical Wrongs
University of Delaware
Keywords: Persons, Person Stages, Adaptive Preferences, Person-Affecting Ethics, Compensation, Reparations, Historical Injustice
Citation: Greene, Mark E. 2023. "Persons, Person Stages, Adaptive Preferences, and Historical Wrongs." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (2): 35–49.
Naturalizing Persons: A Reply to Lynne Rudder Baker
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Keywords: Persons, Philosophical Naturalism, Baker, First-Person Perspective, Intentionality, Warren, Animalism
Citation: Kraemer, Eric. 2023. "Naturalizing Persons: A Reply to Lynne Rudder Baker." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (2): 51–74.
Brutal Personal Identity
SUNY University at Buffalo
Keywords: Anti-criterialism, Brutal Personal Identity, Natural Kind, Ontic Naturalism, Mysterious Identity, Soul Theory, Fission
Citation: Xie, Peihong (Karl). 2023. "Brutal Personal Identity." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (2): 75–94.
Introducing Plurals
University of Maryland, College Park
Keywords: Personal Identity, Psychiatry, Dissociative Phenomena, Unity of Consciousness, Phenomenology
Citation: Schechter, Elizabeth. 2024. "Introducing Plurals." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (2): 95–141.
The Integrated Theory of Personal Identity: A Proposal
University of the West Indies
Keywords: The Integrated Theory of Personal Identity, The Person Life View, The Akan View of Personal Identity, Personal Identity
Citation: Burton, Roxanne. 2024. "The Integrated Theory of Personal Identity: A Proposal." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (2): 143–160.
Volume 9, Issue 1
The Neuroethics of Memory's Social Value: To What Extent Can Neurotechnologies That Manipulate Memory Be Permitted?
The University of Tokyo
Chiba University
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
The University of Tokyo
New York University
Keywords: Memory, Social Value of Memory, Neurofeedback, PTSD
Citation: Nakazawa, Eisuke, Koji Tachibana, Keiichiro Yamamoto, and Akira Akabayashi. 2023. "The Neuroethics of Memory's Social Value: To What Extent Can Neurotechnologies That Manipulate Memory Be Permitted?" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (1): 1–11.
The Mental & Physical Health Argument Against Hate Speech
California State University, Sacramento
Keywords: Empirical Moral Psychology, Hate Speech, Free Speech, Political Philosophy
Citation: Park, John. 2023. "The Mental & Physical Health Argument Against Hate Speech." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (1): 13–34 .
Can, and Should, We Morally Enhance Psychopathic Individuals?
Maastricht University
Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance
Keywords: Psychopathy, Moral Enhancement, Biomedical Treatment, Narrative Identity, Forensic Psychology
Citation: Ho, Man Him. 2023. "Can, and Should, We Morally Enhance Psychopathic Individuals?." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (1): 35–49.
Conceptual and Empirical Pinpointing of Consciousness
Northwestern University
University of Lübeck
Munich School of Philosophy
Keywords: Neuroscience, Philosophy of Mind, Hard Problem of Consciousness, Free Will
Citation: Wagner-Altendorf, Tobias A . 2023. " Conceptual and Empirical Pinpointing of Consciousness ." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (1): 51–65 .
Volume 8, Issue 1
Interventionist Advisory Brain Devices, Aggression, and Crime Prevention
Roskilde University
Roskilde University
Keywords: Interventionist Advisory Brain Devices, Crime prevention, Explosive Aggression, Neurointerventions
Citation: Holmen, Sebastian Jon, and Jesper Ryberg. 2021. "Interventionist Advisory Brain Devices, Aggression, and Crime Prevention." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 8 (1): 1–19.
Exploring Moral Bio-enhancement through Psilocybin-Facilitated Prosocial Effects
University of Copenhagen
University of Copenhagen
Keywords: Moral Bio-enhancement, Prosociality, Psilocybin, Psychedelics
Citation: Lange, Victor, and Sidsel Marie. 2021. "Exploring Moral Bio-enhancement through Psilocybin-Facilitated Prosocial Effects." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 8 (1): 23–64.
Does Physics Allow for Free Will? Proposing a Novel Type of Psychophysical Experiments Testing the Multiverse Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Keywords: Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Measurement Problem, Free Will, Consciousness, Top-down Entanglement, Clustered-minds Multiverse, Novel Psychophysical Experimentation, Quantum-optical Setups, Wave-particle Inequalities
Citation: Schade, Christian D. 2021. "Does Physics Allow for Free Will? Proposing a Novel Type of Psychophysical Experiments Testing the Multiverse Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 8 (1): 65–82.
Volume 7, Issue 1
Evaluating the Brain Disease Model of Addiction & Towards Balance of Dichotomy Through Integration of Mind-Brain Intermodulatory Mechanisms
Loyola University Chicago
Keywords: Addiction, Brain Disease Model, Moral Model, Theoretical Neuroscience, Behavior, Psychology, Psychopharmacology, Philosophy of Mind, Mind-Brain Interaction, Mind-Brain Problem, Mindfulness, Metaphysics
Citation: Afzal, Anum. 2020. "Evaluating the Brain Disease Model of Addiction & Towards Balance of Dichotomy Through Integration of Mind-Brain Intermodulatory Mechanisms." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 7 (1): 1–52.
The Ethical Defensibility of Memory Dampening Pharmaceuticals Hinges on Context and Regulation
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth
Keywords: Memory Dampening, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Neuromodulation, Autonomy
Citation: Goss, Matthew B. 2020. "The Ethical Defensibility of Memory Dampening Pharmaceuticals Hinges on Context and Regulation." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 7 (1): 53–63.
Volume 6, Issue 2
Extended Minds, Extended Agents? Cognitive Disability and Agency in a Social World
McGill University
Keywords: Extended Mind, Cognitive Disability, Agency, Autonomy, Neuroethics
Citation: Aldred, Raymond. 2019. "Extended Minds, Extended Agents? Cognitive Disability and Agency in a Social World." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 6 (2): 1–16.
The Neuroethical Role of Narrative Identity in Ethical Decision Making
University of Massachusetts Medical School
College of Our Lady of the Elms
Keywords: Neuroethics, Narrative Identity, Ethical Decision Making
Citation: DePergola II, Peter A. 2019. "The Neuroethical Role of Narrative Identity in Ethical Decision Making." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 6 (2): 17–46.
Changing a Mind: Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Bergen Community College
Keywords: Irigaray, Kristeva, Lacan, Jung, Psychoanalysis, Ethics, Film
Citation: Ventola, Jeffrey. 2019. "Changing a Mind: Psychoanalytic Perspectives." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 6 (2): 47–62.
Volume 6, Issue 1
A Kantian Theory of the Sensory Processing Subtype of ASD
Wichita State University
Keywords: Immanuel Kant, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing, Imagination, Intense World, Sensory Integration
Citation: Castro, Susan V. H. 2019. "A Kantian Theory of the Sensory Processing Subtype of ASD." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 6 (1): 1–15.
Sport, Neuroplasticity, and Freedom
Ball State University
Keywords: Neuroplasticity, Responsibility, Relativity, Sport, Freedom
Citation: Fry, Jeffrey P. 2019. "Sport, Neuroplasticity, and Freedom." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 6 (1): 17–29.
Keeping the Imagination Epistemically Useful in The Face of Bias
Stockholm University
Keywords: Imagination, Cognitive Penetration, Justification, Bias
Citation: Hyde, Madeleine. 2019. "Keeping the Imagination Epistemically Useful in The Face of Bias." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 6 (1): 31–55.
Memory Reconsolidation: Hope for a Terminal Analysis?
Eastern Michigan University
Keywords: Consolidation, Memory Reconsolidation, Phenomenology, Neurophenomenology, Nachträglichkeit, Deferred Action, Après-Coup, Subjectivity
Citation: Mehuron, Kate. 2019. "Memory Reconsolidation: Hope for a Terminal Analysis?." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 6 (1): 57–73.
Unbundling Moral Judgment: A Defense of Rationality. A Challenge to Reasoning.
American University
Keywords: Moral Psychology, Rationality, Automaticity, Moral Judgement, Intuition, Dual Process Model
Citation: Oestreicher, Nicole. 2019. "Unbundling Moral Judgment: A Defense of Rationality. A Challenge to Reasoning.." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 6 (1): 75–89.
On the Self-Knowledge Argument for Cognitive Phenomenology
University of California, Davis
Keywords: Cognitive, Phenomenology, Phenomenal, Intentionality, Representationalism
Citation: Parks, M.A. 2019. "On the Self-Knowledge Argument for Cognitive Phenomenology." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 6 (1): 91–102.
Sorry: Ambient Tactical Deception via Malware-Based Social Engineering
DePaul University
DePaul University
DePaul University
Keywords: Ambient Tactical Deception, Social Engineering, Mood Induction, Alternate Reality, Simulation
Citation: Treebridge, Paige, Jessica Westbrook, and Filipo Sharevski. 2019. "Sorry: Ambient Tactical Deception via Malware-Based Social Engineering." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 6 (1): 103–123.
Volume 5, Issue 3
Feeling Good: Integrating the Psychology and Epistemology of Moral Intuition and Emotion
Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
Institute for Cognitive Science Studies
Keywords: Moral Intuition, Emotion, Seemings, Non-Doxastic, Singer, Greene, Haidt
Citation: Dabbagh, Hossein. 2018. "Feeling Good: Integrating the Psychology and Epistemology of Moral Intuition and Emotion." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (3): 1–30.
The False Hope of Deliberate Forgetting: A Critical Response to Proponents of Limited-Use Memory Manipulation
University of Massachusetts Medical School
College of Our Lady of the Elms
Keywords: Limited-Use Memory Manipulation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Substance Addiction, False Hope
Citation: DePergola II, Peter A. 2018. "The False Hope of Deliberate Forgetting: A Critical Response to Proponents of Limited-Use Memory Manipulation." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (3): 31–63.
Implications of the Inverted U Phenomenon for the Bioethical Principle of Justice in the Context of Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement
Bioética y Neuroética clínica, Universidad Anáhuac México Norte
Keywords: Cognitive Enhancement, Inverted U Phenomenon, Justice Principle, Neuroethics
Citation: Tapia Moreno, Mijail Alejandro. 2018. "Implications of the Inverted U Phenomenon for the Bioethical Principle of Justice in the Context of Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (3): 65–74.
Volume 5, Issue 2
Moral Mentation: What Neurocognitive Studies of Psychopathy May Really Offer the Internalism/Externalism Debate
Columbia University Medical Center
University of Buffalo
Georgetown University
Keywords: Internalism, Externalism, Psychopathy, Neuroethics, Morality, Cognition, Emotion, Neuroscience
Citation: Cahn-Fuller, Katherine L., John R. Shook, and James Giordano. 2018. "Moral Mentation: What Neurocognitive Studies of Psychopathy May Really Offer the Internalism/Externalism Debate." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (2): 1–20.
A Neuroscience Study on the Implicit Subconscious Perceptions of Fairness and Islamic Law in Muslims Using the EEG N400 Event Related Potential
The University of Cambridge
The University of Kent
The University of Cambridge
Keywords: Law, EEG, N400, Islam, Maqasid, Implicit, Values
Citation: Izzidien, Ahmed, and Srivas Chennu. 2018. "A Neuroscience Study on the Implicit Subconscious Perceptions of Fairness and Islamic Law in Muslims Using the EEG N400 Event Related Potential." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (2): 21–50.
Should We Distrust Our Moral Intuitions? A Critical Comparison Of Two Accounts
Kings College London
Keywords: Joshua Greene, Gerd Gigerenzer, Moral Psychology, Intuition, Cognitive Science, Neuroethics, Heuristics, Behavioural Economics
Citation: Langley, Felix. 2018. "Should We Distrust Our Moral Intuitions? A Critical Comparison Of Two Accounts." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (2): 51–74.
Review of Moral Brains: The Neuroscience of Morality
The University of Kentucky
Keywords: Review, Moral Neuroscience, Ethics, Cognitive Science
Citation: Lincoln, James William. 2018. "Review of Moral Brains: The Neuroscience of Morality." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (2): 75–81.
Volume 5, Issue 1
Phantom Sensations: What’s a Brain to Do? A Critical Review of the Re-mapping Hypothesis
Tulane University
Keywords: Phantom Sensations, Brain Function, Remapping, Preservation
Citation: DeFranco, Daniel J. 2018. "Phantom Sensations: What’s a Brain to Do? A Critical Review of the Re-mapping Hypothesis." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (1): 1–25.
How to Defend Embodied Cognition Against the Locked-In Syndrome Challenge
University of Central Florida
Keywords: Cognition, Consciousness, Embodied Cognition, Locked-In Syndrome
Citation: Favela, Luis H. 2018. "How to Defend Embodied Cognition Against the Locked-In Syndrome Challenge." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (1): 27–48.
Anesthesia and Consciousness
University of Southern Indiana
Keywords: Anesthesia, Consciousness, Higher-Order Thought, Neural Correlates of Consciousness, Prefrontal Cortex
Citation: Gennaro, Rocco J. 2018. "Anesthesia and Consciousness." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (1): 49–69.
Decision-Theoretic Consequentialism and the Desire-Luck Problem
University of Cincinnati
Keywords: Decision Theory, Consequentialism, Moral Luck, Desires, Emotion, Rationality
Citation: Heydari Fard, Sahar. 2018. "Decision-Theoretic Consequentialism and the Desire-Luck Problem." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (1): 71–84.
Grammar is NOT a Computer of the Human Mind/Brain
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Keywords: Grammar, Faculty of Language, Computation, Merge, Halting Problem, Cognition
Citation: Mondal, Prakash. 2018. "Grammar is NOT a Computer of the Human Mind/Brain." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (1): 85–100.
Interoceptive Inference and Emotion in Music: Integrating the Neurofunctional ‘Quartet Theory of Emotion’ with Predictive Processing in Music-Related Emotional Experience
The University of Edinburgh
Keywords: Music, Emotion, Predictive Processing, Active Inference, Quartet Theory of Emotion, Brainstem, Diencephalon, Hippocampus, Neurofunctional, Social Cognition
Citation: Proksch, Shannon. 2018. "Interoceptive Inference and Emotion in Music: Integrating the Neurofunctional ‘Quartet Theory of Emotion’ with Predictive Processing in Music-Related Emotional Experience." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 5 (1): 101–125.
Volume 4, Issue 3
Topical Issues of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Usage Revealed through a Cross-Sectional University-Wide Survey
Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Dublin
Keywords: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, Neurostimulation, Survey, Ethics, Neuroenhancement
Citation: Karok, Sophia, and Alice G. Witney. 2017. "Topical Issues of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Usage Revealed through a Cross-Sectional University-Wide Survey." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (3): 1–32.
Self-Transcendence Correlates with Brain Function Impairment
Keywords: Neural Correlates of Consciousness, Self-Transcendence, Mystical Experience, Acquired Savant, Near Death Experience, Cerebral Hypoxia, Psychedelics, Brain Damage
Citation: Kastrup, Bernardo. 2017. "Self-Transcendence Correlates with Brain Function Impairment." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (3): 33–42.
Volume 4, Issue 2
What Neuroimaging of the Psychedelic State Tells Us about the Mind-Body Problem
Keywords: Neuroimaging, Psychedelics, Mind-Body Problem, Consciousness, Neural Correlates of Consciousness, Physicalism, Metaphysics
Citation: Kastrup, Bernardo. 2016. "What Neuroimaging of the Psychedelic State Tells Us about the Mind-Body Problem." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (2): 1–9.
Does Drug Addiction Prove Free Will?
University of Bath
Keywords: Free Will, Drug Addiction, Compatibilism
Citation: Lench, Alex. 2016. "Does Drug Addiction Prove Free Will?" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (2): 11–18.
Neuro-Societies? Attitudes and Perceptions in a German Public towards the Neurosciences
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
University of Twente
Keywords: Neuro-ethics, Neurocultures, Public Attitudes, Neuroplasticity, Neuro-enhancement
Citation: Lumma, Anna-Lena, and Saskia K. Nagel. 2016. "Neuro-Societies? Attitudes and Perceptions in a German Public towards the Neurosciences." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (2): 19–46.
Volume 4, Issue 1
Consciousness, Neuroimaging and Personhood: Current and Future Neuroethical Challenges
Rivier University
Michigan State University
Central Michigan University
Michigan State University
Keywords: Bioethics, Juan Manuel Burgos, Consciousness, Neuroimaging, Muhammad Iqbal, Personalism
Citation: Beauregard, James, Macksood Aftab, and Amna Sajid. 2016. "Consciousness, Neuroimaging and Personhood: Current and Future Neuroethical Challenges." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (1): 1–11.
The Last Modern Psychologist: Julian Jaynes' Search for Consciousness in the Natural World
University of Prince Edward Island
Keywords: Origin of Consciousness, Bicameral Mind, Julian Jaynes
Citation: Greer, Scott. 2016. "The Last Modern Psychologist: Julian Jaynes' Search for Consciousness in the Natural World." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (1): 13–25.
The Epoche and the Intentional Stance
The New School
Keywords: Intentional Stance, Hetero-Phenomenology, Phenomenology, Eidetic, Cogito, Ego Splitting, Phenomenological-Hetero-phenomenological Harmony
Citation: Haack, David. 2016. "The Epoche and the Intentional Stance." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (1): 27–44.
What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Situationism, Conscious Awareness, and Control
Florida State University
Keywords: Situationism, Conscious Awareness, Control, Moral Responsibility, Bystander Experiments
Citation: Herdova, Marcela. 2016. "What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Situationism, Conscious Awareness, and Control." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (1): 45–71.
Physicalism and the Privacy of Conscious Experience
Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
Center for Theory of Law and Society
Research Centre for the Humanities
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Privacy of Conscious Experiences, Subjectivity, Physicalism, Property Dualism, Modularity of the Brain
Citation: Márton, Miklós, and János Tőzsér. 2016. "Physicalism and the Privacy of Conscious Experience." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (1): 73–88.
Pre-Conscious Noise
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Keywords: Hidden Nature Physicalism, Computational Neuroscience, Content Addressable Memory, Resonant Patterns
Citation: Seebach, Bradley, and Eric Kraemer. 2016. "Pre-Conscious Noise." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (1): 89–112.
The Insignificance of Empty Higher-order Thoughts
Lawrence Technological University
Keywords: Consciousness, Higher-order Theories, Modal Argument
Citation: Shargel, Daniel. 2016. "The Insignificance of Empty Higher-order Thoughts." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (1): 113–127.
Volume 3, Issue 4
Hemispherectomies and Independently Conscious Brain Regions
San Francisco State University
Keywords: Hemispherectomy, Wada test, Consciousness, Supervenience, Split-brain
Citation: Blackmon, James. 2016. "Hemispherectomies and Independently Conscious Brain Regions." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (4): 1–26.
The Complexity of Suicide: Review of Recent Neuroscientific Evidence
University of Toronto
Keywords: Suicide, Depression, Neuroimaging, Prefrontal Cortex, Anterior Cingulate Cortex, Amygdala, Insula, Networks
Citation: Ching, Erica. 2016. "The Complexity of Suicide: Review of Recent Neuroscientific Evidence." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (4): 27–40.
What is Enhancement?
University of Waterloo
Keywords: Enhancement, Treatment, Health, Disease
Citation: Gee, Catherine. 2016. "What is Enhancement?" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (4): 41–54.
Does the Human Right to Health Include a Right to Biomedical Enhancement?
Macalester College
Keywords: Biomedical Enhancement, Health, Human Rights, Right to Health
Citation: Gunderson, Martin. 2016. "Does the Human Right to Health Include a Right to Biomedical Enhancement?" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (4): 55–75.
Resource Egalitarianism, Prosthetics, and Enhancements
University of Manitoba
Keywords: Human enhancement, Prosthetics, Justice, Dworkin
Citation: Martens, Rhonda. 2016. "Resource Egalitarianism, Prosthetics, and Enhancements." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (4): 77–96.
Reversibility and Deep Brain Stimulation
University of Central Florida
Keywords: DBS, Deep Brain Stimulation, Psychosurgery, Reversibility, Movement disorders, Neurophilosophy, Neuroethics
Citation: Mundale, Jennifer. 2016. "Reversibility and Deep Brain Stimulation." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (4): 97–111.
A Subjectivist Solution to the Problem of Harm in Genetic Enhancement
University of Portland
Keywords: Genetic Enhancement, Genetic Selection, Subjectivism, Harm, Procreative Beneficence
Citation: Rothenfluch, Sruthi. 2016. "A Subjectivist Solution to the Problem of Harm in Genetic Enhancement." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (4): 113–130.
Volume 3, Issue 3
Apes with a Moral Code? Primatology, Moral Sentimentalism, and the Evolution of Morality in The Planet of the Apes
Baylor University
Keywords: Moral Sentimentalism, Impartial Spectator, Frans de Waal, Primatology, Planet of the Apes
Citation: Carron, Paul. 2015. "Apes with a Moral Code? Primatology, Moral Sentimentalism, and the Evolution of Morality in The Planet of the Apes." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (3): 1–26.
Simulating the Informational Substance of Human Reality in Queen City Jazz
Wichita State University
Keywords: Episodic Foresight, Constructivism, Thought Experiment, Pheromones
Citation: Castro, Susan. 2015. "Simulating the Informational Substance of Human Reality in Queen City Jazz." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (3): 27–65.
Towards an Existentialist Neuroethics
York University
Keywords: Neuroethics, Existentialism, Subjectivity, Greg Egan, Neuroessentialism, Sisyphus, Agency
Citation: Fenton, Brandon. 2015. "Towards an Existentialist Neuroethics." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (3): 67–86.
Two Minded Creatures and Dual-Process Theory
Indiana University Kokomo
Keywords: Dual-Process Theory, Two-System Theory, Two-Mind Theory, Cognitive Architecture, Human Reasoning
Citation: Mugg, Joshua. 2015. "Two Minded Creatures and Dual-Process Theory." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (3): 87–112.
"Your Body Has Made a Different Choice": Cognition, Coercion, and the Ethics of Consent in Octavia E. Butler’s Lilith’s Brood and Fledgling
University of Waterloo
Keywords: Ethics, Coercion, Consent, Rape, Cognition, Kant, Bioethics, Science Fiction, Octavia E. Butler
Citation: Riley, Meghan K.. 2015. ""Your Body Has Made a Different Choice": Cognition, Coercion, and the Ethics of Consent in Octavia E. Butler’s Lilith’s Brood and Fledgling." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (3): 113–137.
Evolution and Neuroethics in the Hyperion Cantos
Rochester Community and Technical College
Keywords: Evolutionary Ethics, Machine Ethics, Moral Cognition, Moral Enhancement, Neuroethics, Science Fiction
Citation: Shea, Brendan. 2015. "Evolution and Neuroethics in the Hyperion Cantos." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (3): 139–162.
Volume 3, Issue 2
Rescuing PAP from Widerker’s Brain-Malfunction Case
Osgoode Hall Law School
Keywords: Principle of Alternate Possibilities, Free Will, Moral Responsibility, Harry Frankfurt, Frankfurt Cases, Compatibilism, David Widerker
Citation: Janzen, Greg. 2015. "Rescuing PAP from Widerker’s Brain-Malfunction Case." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (2): 1–22.
Reverse Inference and Mind-Brain Identity
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya
Keywords: Reverse Inference, Mind-brain Identity, Multiple Realization, Degeneracy, Pleiotropy
Citation: Levin, Yakir, and Itzhak Aharon. 2015. "Reverse Inference and Mind-Brain Identity." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (2): 23–45.
Informed Consent in Organ Donation and Abandonment of the Dead-Donor Rule
University of Michigan Medical School
Keywords: Dead Donor Rule, Death, Definition/Determination of Death, Donation/Procurement of Organs/Tissues, Vital Organ Donation
Citation: Mead, Matthew Phillip. 2015. "Informed Consent in Organ Donation and Abandonment of the Dead-Donor Rule." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (2): 47–56.
More Than Meets the fMRI: The Unethical Apotheosis of Neuroimages
Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Tel Aviv University
Keywords: Neuroimaging, Ethics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Reductionism, Evolution, Philosophy of biology, fMRI, BOLD, Essentialism, Public Understanding of Science, Representation, Aesthetics
Citation: Shifferman, Eran. 2015. "More Than Meets the fMRI: The Unethical Apotheosis of Neuroimages." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (2): 57–116.
The Theory-Theory of Moral Concepts
Christopher Newport University
Keywords: Moral Concepts, Concepts, Mental Representations, Theory-Theory, Prototype Theory, Moral Cognition, Empirical Moral Psychology, Cognitive Science
Citation: Park, John Jung. 2015. "The Theory-Theory of Moral Concepts." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (2): 117–138.
Volume 3, Issue 1
Is Islam Committed to Dualism in the Context of the Problem of Free Will?
Harvard Extension
Keywords: Dualism, Free Will, Islam, Ghazali, Ibn Sina, Iqbal, Dennett, Soul
Citation: Aftab, Macksood. 2015. "Is Islam Committed to Dualism in the Context of the Problem of Free Will?" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 1–12.
Neuroscience and Free Will: Insights From the Thought of Juan Manuel Burgos
Rivier University
Keywords: Free will, personalism, Juan Manuel Burgos, John Macmurray, neuroscience, neuroethics
Citation: Beauregard, James. 2015. "Neuroscience and Free Will: Insights From the Thought of Juan Manuel Burgos" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 13–37.
Evolution Beyond Determinism: On Dennett’s Compatibilism and the Too Timeless Free Will Debate
University of Massachusetts Boston
Keywords: Free will, determinism, compatibilism, naturalism, evolution, Dennett, causality, emergence, time, appearance-reality, process philosophy, action, choice, autonomy, self, metaphysics
Citation: Brincker, Maria. 2015. "Evolution Beyond Determinism: On Dennett’s Compatibilism and the Too Timeless Free Will Debate" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 39–74.
Free Will and Autonomous Medical Decision-Making
McNeese State University
Keywords: Cognitive psychology, neuroscience, medical ethics, autonomy, heuristics, backstage cognition, decision-making
Citation: Butkus, Matthew. 2015. "Free Will and Autonomous Medical Decision-Making" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 75–119.
Rolling Back the Luck Problem for Libertarianism
Northern Michigan University
Keywords: Libertarianism, Luck, Peter van Inwagen, free will, Robert Kane
Citation: Cogley, Zac. 2015. "Rolling Back the Luck Problem for Libertarianism" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 121–137.
Agential Settling Requires a Conscious Intention
Syracuse University
Keywords: Helen Steward, determinism, compatibilism, incompatibilism, libertarianism, settling, agency, intention
Citation: Cohen, Yishai. 2015. "Agential Settling Requires a Conscious Intention" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 139–155.
Lessons from Angelology
University of Kent
Keywords: Angelology, Demonology, Catholic reform, Vincenzo Cicogna
Citation: Eszenyi, Edina. 2015. "Lessons from Angelology" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 157–173.
Exploring the Status of Free Will in a Deterministic World: A Case Study
University of Waterloo
Keywords: Free will, determinism, compatibilism, anorexia nervosa
Citation: Gee, Catherine. 2015. "Exploring the Status of Free Will in a Deterministic World: A Case Study" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 175–194.
Simply Irresistible: Addiction, Responsibility, and Irresistible Desires
Florida State University
Keywords: Addiction, control, irresistible desires, moral responsibility
Citation: Herdova, Marcela. 2015. "Simply Irresistible: Addiction, Responsibility, and Irresistible Desires" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 195–216.
Hegel’s Concept of the Free Will: Towards a Redefinition of an Old Question
Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla (BUAP)
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Keywords: Freedom, will, idealism, executive function, causality
Citation: Huesca Ramón, Fernando. 2015. "Hegel’s Concept of the Free Will: Towards a Redefinition of an Old Question" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 309–325.
Agency through Autonomy: Self-Producing Systems and the Prospect of Bio-Compatibilism
University of Evansville
Keywords: Adaptivity, agency, autonomy, autopoiesis, compatibilism, complex systems, Dennett, Jonas, Kant, Lorenz, process biology
Citation: Jones, Derek. 2015. "Agency through Autonomy: Self-Producing Systems and the Prospect of Bio-Compatibilism" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 217–228.
The Limits of a Pragmatic Justification of Praise and Blame
Clemson University
Keywords: Free will, moral responsibility, compatibilism, incompatibilism, criminal justice
Citation: Lake, Ryan. 2015. "The Limits of a Pragmatic Justification of Praise and Blame" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 229–249.
A Kantian Defense of Libertarian Blame
Coe College
Keywords: Free will, Responsibility, Libertarianism, Kant
Citation: Lemos, John. 2015. "A Kantian Defense of Libertarian Blame" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 251–263.
Libet, Free Will, and Conscious Awareness
University of Southern California
Keywords: Libet, free will, conscious experience, moral responsibility
Citation: Levin, Janet. 2015. "Libet, Free Will, and Conscious Awareness" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 265–280.
Experimental Philosophy, Robert Kane, and the Concept of Free Will
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Keywords: Free will, experimental philosophy, compatibalism, incompatibilism, moral cognition, Robert Kane
Citation: Otte, J. Neil. 2015. "Experimental Philosophy, Robert Kane, and the Concept of Free Will" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 281–296.
The Illusion of Freedom: Agent-Causation and Self-Deception
Northern Illinois University
Keywords: Agent-causastion, self-deception, introspection, epistemic privilege, psychology, Campbell, acting agent, external observer
Citation: Quick, Jacob. 2015. "The Illusion of Freedom: Agent-Causation and Self-Deception" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 297–308.
Collecting Evidence for the Permanent Coexistence of Parallel Realities: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Keywords: Parallel realities, free will, consciousness, many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, time, decision making
Citation: Schade, Christian D.. 2015. "Collecting Evidence for the Permanent Coexistence of Parallel Realities: An Interdisciplinary Approach" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 327–362.
The Importance of Correctly Explaining Intuitions: Why Pereboom’s Four-Case Manipulation Argument is Manipulative
Georgia State University
Keywords: Intuition, moral judgment, order effects, moral responsibility, Derk Pereboom, manipulation
Citation: Spitzley, Jay. 2015. "The Importance of Correctly Explaining Intuitions: Why Pereboom’s Four-Case Manipulation Argument is Manipulative" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 363–382.
Identity and Freedom
North Dakota State University
University at Buffalo
Keywords: Free Will, Animalism, Personal Identity, Materialism
Citation: Taylor, Adam P. and David B. Hershenov. 2015. "Identity and Freedom" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 383–391.
How Not To Think about Free Will
University of Southern California
Keywords: Free will, determinism, fatalism, intuitions, thought experiments, Frankfurt examples, Manipulation argument
Citation: Vihvelin, Kadri. 2015. "How Not To Think about Free Will" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1): 393–403.
Volume 2, Issue 2
Cognitive Bias Modification as a Remedy for Weakness of Will
Keywords: Moral psychology, akrasia, weakness of will, cognitive bias, heuristic, addiction, cognitive bias modification treatment, normative judgment, irrationality, synchronic irrationality
Citation: Gillette, Brandon. 2014. "Cognitive Bias Modification as a Remedy for Weakness of Will" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (2): 1–29.
Strong Emergence and Mental Causation in Gadamer’s Truth and Method
Institute for Christian Studies
Keywords: Hermeneutics, Gadamer, emergence, free will, personhood, mind, dependence, autonomy
Citation: Johnson, Matthew E. 2014. "Strong Emergence and Mental Causation in Gadamer’s Truth and Method" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (2): 31–50.
Managing Serious Incidental Findings in Brain-Imaging Research: When Consent for Disclosure is Declined
University of Maryland University College
Keywords: Neuro-imaging incidental findings (NIFs), serious, brain imaging research, Richardson, informed consent, autonomy, beneficence
Citation: Ogbuka, Chiji. 2014. "Managing Serious Incidental Findings in Brain-Imaging Research: When Consent for Disclosure is Declined" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (2): 51–59.
Is Neuroscience Relevant to Our Moral Responsibility Practices?
Fordham University
Keywords: Moral responsibility; neuroscience; incompatibilism; Libet; conscious control
Citation: Vukov, Joseph M. 2014. "Is Neuroscience Relevant to Our Moral Responsibility Practices?" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (2): 61–82.
Review of Neuroethics in Practice: Medicine, Mind, and Society
Rivier University
Citation: Beauregard, James. 2014. "Review of Neuroethics in Practice: Medicine, Mind, and Society" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (2): 83–87.
Volume 2, Issue 1
Is Reason Contradictory When Applied to Metaphysical Questions?
University of Georgia
Keywords: Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, Hegel, metaphysics, epistemology, reason, reasoning, antinomy, concept, idealism, contradiction, time, cosmology, unconditioned, conditioned, appearance
Citation: Schuster, Graham. 2014. "Is Reason Contradictory When Applied to Metaphysical Questions?" Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 1–11.
Implicitly Grounded Beliefs
Roberts Wesleyan College
Keywords: Epistemology, implicitly grounded beliefs, intuition, experts, W.T. Stace, warrant, justification, internalism, externalism, aretaism, special access, perspectivally basic beliefs
Citation: Koehl, Andrew. 2014. "Implicitly Grounded Beliefs." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 13–36.
The Enigma Of Probability
Keywords: Bayesianism, decision theory, expectation, expected utility, expected value, fair game, measurement problem, probability interpretation, St Petersburg paradox, two-envelope problem
Citation: Ergodos, Nick. 2014. "The Enigma Of Probability." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 37–71.
The View from Vector Space: An Account of Conceptual Geography
New York University
Keywords: Representation, mental content, vector space, reasoning, social cognition, embodiment, extended mind, comparative psychology
Citation: Stein, Joshua. 2014. "The View from Vector Space: An Account of Conceptual Geography." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 73–93.
The Self-Awareness of Reason in Plato
West Texas A&M University
Keywords: Plato, Inquiry, Ignorance, Nous, Reason, Dianoia, hypothesis, self-reflexivity, self-awareness, Meno, Apology
Citation: Bloom, Daniel. 2014. "The Self-Awareness of Reason in Plato." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 95–103.
Reasoning with and without Reasons: The Effects of Professional Culture and Information Access in Educational and Clinical Settings
California State University San Marcos
Keywords: Reasoning, understanding, professional culture, coherence based reasoning, mental models, modus tollens, process narratives, grey boxes, patient-practitioner interaction, Mendelian genetics
Citation: Saferstein, Barry. 2014. "Reasoning with and without Reasons: The Effects of Professional Culture and Information Access in Educational and Clinical Settings." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 105–125.
Moral Heuristics and Biases
Bowling Green State University
Keywords: Moral Heuristics, Moral Biases, Heuristics, Biases, Moral Cognition, Metaethics, Moral Rationality, Philosophy, Moral Psychology, Implicit Bias
Citation: Herman, Mark. 2014. "Moral Heuristics and Biases." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 127–142.
Reasoning and the Military Decision Making Process
University of Botswana
Keywords: Military Decision making Process (MDMP), Critical Thinking, autonomous reasoning, military obedience
Citation: Ikpe, Ibanga B. 2014. "Reasoning and the Military Decision Making Process." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 143–160.
The Role of Emotional Intuitions in Moral Judgments and Decisions
University of Waterloo
Keywords: Consequentialism, deontology, moral judgments, emotion, cognition, ventromedial prefrontal cortex
Citation: Gee, Catherine. 2014. "The Role of Emotional Intuitions in Moral Judgments and Decisions." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 161–171.
Asking for Reasons as a Weapon: Epistemic Justification and the Loss of Knowledge
Michigan State University
Keywords: Ignorance, Epistemic Violence, Epistemic Justice, Epistemic Silencing, Justification, Reason-giving, Contextualism, Social Epistemology, Externalism
Citation: Werkheiser, Ian. 2014. "Asking for Reasons as a Weapon: Epistemic Justification and the Loss of Knowledge." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 173–190.
Brain Rays, Advertising, and Fancy Suits: The Ethics of Mind Control
University of Utah
Keywords: Kant, rationality, mind control, contractualism
Citation: Kious, Brent. 2014. "Brain Rays, Advertising, and Fancy Suits: The Ethics of Mind Control." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 191–210.
Philosophy and Neurobiology: towards a Hegelian Contribution on the Question of the Juridical Status of the Human Embryo
Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla (BUAP)
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Keywords: Personality, subjectivity, Neuroscience, free will, freedom
Citation: Huesca Ramón, Fernando. 2014. "Philosophy and Neurobiology: towards a Hegelian Contribution on the Question of the Juridical Status of the Human Embryo." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 2 (1): 211–220.
Volume 1, Issue 1
Distinguishing Morality from Convention: Evidence for Nativism
Seattle Pacific University
Keywords: Moral Psychology, Nativism, Moral/Conventional Distinction
Citation: Fullhart, Samuel R. 2013. "Distinguishing Morality from Convention: Evidence for Nativism." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 1 (1): 1–37.
Naturalized Rationality, Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Keywords: Aumann, Rationalistic Economics, Behavioral Economics, Neuroeconomics, practical rationality, act rationality, rule rationality, naturalized rationality, intentional agency, Evolutionary Psychology, Human Behavioral Ecology
Citation: Levin, Yakir, Arnon Cahen, and Izhak Aharon. 2013. "Naturalized Rationality, Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory." Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 1 (1): 39–72.
Advisory Board
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Advisory Board
Charles E. M. Dunlop
David M. French Professor Emeritus and
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
University of Michigan-Flint
Chris Haufe
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Case Western Reserve University
Bernard Kobes
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Arizona State University
Janet M. Levin
Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Southern California
Elizabeth Schechter
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Washington University in St. Louis
Managing Editor
Jami L Anderson
University of Michigan-Flint
Review Editor
Simon Cushing
Associate Professor
University of Michigan-Flint
Production Editor
Zea Miller
University of Tampa
Associate Editors
Jawad Shah, M.D.
Insight Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience
Bénédicte Veillet
Assistant Professor
University of Michigan-Flint
Stevens F Wandmacher
Lecturer IV
University of Michigan-Flint